[Our 8 year old son, Granger, has Sensory Integration Disorder. For the uninitiated, this means that his senses are not linked as "neuro-typical" people and that they do not produce the same effects on a person. This is not the key to this piece or to Granger's incredibly beautiful life, but it may provide some insight into his wrestle with language and society.]
Today is my birthday. I'm 48. Just a number- I don't dwell on it. I'm not proud or embarrassed. It's just a number. I love my life and my family and am so very happy with where I am- nuff said.
BUT- yesterday, as my wife and I were slowly wrapping up our morning snuggle, Granger ran into our room as is his habit, pounced on the bed, Tigger-esque, and began his agenda-driven morning discussion. "So Daddy..." (He begins MOST of his sentences with "So." "So Mommy." "So Neena." "So Joseph" etc.)
"Yes, Granger...."
"So, tomorrow is your birthday. Are you excited?"
"Yes I am! Are you?"
"So Daddy, would you like a handy mandy tool man kit for your birthday?" (Granger desperately wants one of these so he can "fix" things. And yes, that's what he calls it.)
"Well," I replied, "I think we should save that for YOUR birthday or Christmas. Hey.... are you being tricky?"
"No- I'm not being tricky. I am just a boy. I'm not tricky. I'm the idea picker."
Intrigued..."What do you mean, Granger?"
"So, I get lots of ideas, and I have to pick them."
The idea picker. Granger DOES get lots of ideas, and he does an amazing job of picking the good ones. I wish I did as good a job of sifting through my string of ideas and finding the ones that merited pursuit.
Granger has limitations on some skills; who does not? But one area where he has proven time and again that he is NOT limited is the realm of his ideas. I hope he remains, forever, our idea picker.
My son Ethan also has sensory integration disorder along with Asperger's Syndrome. I totally could relate to you feelings of your son. I couldn't imagine Ethan being anything besides who he is. But he has lots of ideas too! The way they think are amazing!
Thank you both for your kind comments. This was a very rewarding piece to write. Granger has cemented our family as little else has. Mark, I'm so glad to hear you can "read the affection" because it is there, buddy- it;s there!
Kelly, I'd like to learn more about your situation. Can I read you blog also? It must help to share thoughts and writings. Thank you. ~Joe
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