[We're in Hilton Head for a conference and a brief vacation. This morning Sharlet and I took our daily walk along the beach. It was truly beautiful. As is our custom, we went a ways together, and then kissed goodbye while she went home and I pressed on. While pressing on, a thought struck me....]
As I turned around and headed back down the beach this morning, I found myself looking a different way. It's funny how we find patterns in our lives- always looking and walking to the left or right, always stepping aside for an older person, etc. Well as I headed south this morning, I found myself looking more to the left and to the ocean. As I'd glance to the right and to the mansions along the coast, the dichotomy of the situation struck me.
To the left was the glory of God. Some would say the most glorious beauty to be found on this earth. The beauty of the ocean- the comforting rhythm of the waves and their womb-like nestling against the edge of the earth. The sight of the mighty ocean almost overwhelms with the majesty of a creator and the beauty of this earth. Smells of ocean and salty fresh breezes flow around in a swirling, heady mix, creating a sensual symphony- almost a euphoria of nature. I do love the ocean. As a people we do- it brings such calmness and serenity and leaves us refreshed as we head home to our various destinations.
As I looked right a very different world came to view. The beach world and its terrestrial trappings nudged as close to the beach as possible. Mansions heralded the worldly success of their respective owners and then, the rows of condominiums speak to the ephemeral life on the beach and the price we willingly pay for the momentary bliss. Some think the beach life represents man at his or her most worldly. Who has the most toys, best body, best surfing skills, darkest tan, most money and largest house closest to the ocean?
The duality of these two worlds struck me this morning, as I walked their border, straddling them and dancing in turn with each. Like many, I enjoyed looking at the stately manor homes and pondering over the ways such wealth may be gained, but in the end, it was the ocean and its serenity which brought me the greatest joy and the true peace of soul which I sought on my walk.
I suppose we must live in both worlds and, in fact, must deal with both on a daily basis, but which one truly holds our heart may be the key to our happiness.