Our family has several close friends. (I know that might be surprising....) Certainly among, if not the, dearest, are the friends who brought us to our current job and town. Way back when, the father, with whom I share a birthday and a very close friendship, said, "Joe - we've just got to have you here." Twelve years later I'm still here, and we have loved it. They are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. What an amazing achievement in today's society! I've barely LIVED for 40 years, and they've lived together- married- happily --for that time. It's is truly awe inspiring to me.
Well, in honor of their anniversary and our friendship, we (Sharlet, my wife, did the lion's share, but I actually helped a bit- quite romantic, don't you think?) baked one of their favorite desserts- Apple Cake. (My friend doesn't eat chocolate. I know, I know- but we can still be friends....) We took it over to them last night and had a brief chat and just enjoyed being together as family and friends and doing a little good deed.
Now, here's the funny part. When we got back from doing that- we'd been gone maybe 40 minutes total-- on our doorstep was.... an apple cake.... from our wonderful friends who live two doors down. It was heavenly- a different recipe, but heavenly all the same. How did they know? And why apple cake instead of chocolate or white or yellow? I love the serendipitous moments of true friendship.
The circle of friendship is a tightly woven one, as our thoughts revolve around those who have come to own a piece of our hearts. Last evening this circle of friendship was evidenced by a synchronous circle of apple cake. And what a delicious and delightful circle it was. I do love small town life, and I especially love friends who know when a little apple cake is just what you need.
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