Monday, December 29, 2008

Four head

[I'm embarrassed that it's been so long since I've added to the blog. Sorry- I'll do better!]

Elizabeth flew in for Christmas and has spent a lot of time with all of us. She and Granger have a particular bond that amazes us all. Granger calls Elizabeth "Neena."

Granger, with his sensory issues, LOVES to be scratched. He'll often present a body part and ask, "Please scratch." The day after Christmas, Granger asked Elizabeth to scratch his "four head." After a minute, he said, "Now please scratch my one head."

Elizabeth, intrigued, asked, "Which is your one head?"

"Up there, on the top!"

"Where's your two head?"

"Neena- I don't have a two head..."

"Three head?"

"No Neena- just a one and a four head," with a look of "Why don't you understand this simple concept?"

His language play amazes us all.

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